CareOregon is a health insurance provider in the USA that helps hundreds of thousands of Oregonians get the care they deserve.
Founded in 1994, CareOregon is a nonprofit, community benefits company that's involved in health plan services, reforms, and innovations.
In 2019 Decision-makers at CareOregon asked to conduct a Member Satisfaction Tracking Study. While our partners at CareOrgeon began to collect data, the Integrio Systems got to work developing an application that would collect and present data using intuitive, user-friendly dashboards and charts.
In 2019 Decision-makers at CareOregon asked to conduct a Member Satisfaction Tracking Study. While our partners at CareOrgeon began to collect data, the Integrio Systems got to work developing an application that would collect and present data using intuitive, user-friendly dashboards and charts.
Every three months, the company's clients were given a list of questions that best described the basic needs of each member. The aim of the questions was to improve the quality of the service package provided. When the survey was completed by participants, CareOregon sent over the data. The program we created accepted and parsed this data and continued to analyze the data to determine the level of customer satisfaction.
The software solution we created can digest structure a huge amount of data and display statistical insights in the form of custom graphs and tables. Using these dashboards, the CareOregon’s management team could identify new opportunities. They used our graphs and charts to analyze different aspects of the data, build reports and dynamically track the level of customer satisfaction in real-time.
This product required a high level of statistical and mathematical knowledge. We also leverage of expertize in security and data integrity to ensure our client’s data was safe at all times. To comply with the security requirements of our client, our developers introduced a two-factor authentication system. Every employee that tried to log onto the system would receive an SMS containing a unique code, which they would have to provide in order to gain access to the system.
Our feature-rich product has helped our partners at CareOregon handle massive amounts of data, increase their revenue, and improve their levels of overall customer satisfaction.
Thanks to the automation and simplification of repetitive work processes, they also experienced immense efficiency gains which is sure to provide them with an advantage over competitors.

Case Studies

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